Image of Medicinal Grade Infused Herbal Suppositories 200mg

Medicinal Grade Infused Herbal Suppositories 200mg

$20.00 - $50.00

Herbal suppositories have been used for thousands of years as a great and natural alternative to heal intestinal and vaginal inflammation and infections. These suppositories are Vegan, 100% natural, and edible. They contain internal essential oils and herbs based in an edible cocoa butter.

healing tears/wounds
Vaginal inflammation
Vaginal dryness
BV/ Yeast infection
Candida control
Detox/ hormonal imbalance
UTI infections

Instructions: Start with clean hands and vagina/rectum. Using clean hands or suppository wand, insert suppository 2-3 inches into vagina/rectum every night. For 14 day suppositories, insert twice a day; every morning every night for seven days. For 3 day suppositories use after intercourse, before and after menstrual cycle.

Active Ingredients: 200mg Infused herbs, neem, golden seal, sea moss, tea tree oil.

* WAF products are 100% natural however, our bodies react differently to certain herbs; If irritation occurs, please discontinue use. Do not use if pregnant or breast feeding.

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